I want to share something with you all. In my previous posts, I have offered personal insights, experiences, and information I think might help you. Today I want to talk about some of my latest ambitions and how I plan to achieve them.
So far, I have focused on one-on-one coaching, something I enjoy, and I feel is important. When I started my business, I never thought I would want to expand, but as the year passed, I recognized I wanted to do more and reach more people. I am by trade an educator and have a lot of experience in higher education. Teaching college students and helping people achieve their goals are similar. Both require the desire to help people be their best.
I am creating a coaching program that would be an asynchronous course that multiple people could join. It will be a roadmap to setting a goal, forming a plan, and learning how to stick with it until success is achieved. I was incredibly excited about the premise, so I started crafting it. It is easier to put lessons together when you are working from a textbook. Unfortunately, I have to reach into my brain to get the material for the weekly lessons. I tried using Teachable, but I had no idea what I was doing. I am sure the software is excellent, but I had many problems. I had to admit to myself that I needed help. Otherwise, I would never get this finished. I am very excited to say I found a great company with a proven track record that will help me accomplish my goals. Not only will I finish my course, which I will first offer as a pilot for a fraction of the cost, but I plan on expanding beyond that.
You are probably thinking I am writing this to have everyone say, “good for you” and “that’s so awesome.” Those are all nice things to hear, but not the point. Even though I have experience as a teacher and coach and have helped dozens of people, I need help, and I can admit it. I am not a marketer, SEOs bewilder me, and I’ve already admitted to being a technophobe who can’t use simple software. I could continue down the road struggling, and I know I will eventually get there, probably in a few years. A few years!! No, that doesn’t work for me. That pushed me to decide to invest in myself. With help, my business can be a big success, and many people will benefit from it. It was not cheap, but I did not let the price tag stand in my way. My partner in crime, best friend, and beloved husband is standing beside me the whole way. He knows what I can achieve and is excited to see what comes next.
We all need help sometimes. My focus is on helping people who have recognized their lives are at a standstill. They don’t enjoy their jobs but stick with them because they pay the bills. Life is unfulfilling, and the future looks bleak. It does not have to be that way. I was able to change my life; why can’t they? I don’t usually put a sales pitch into my blogs, but I might not be doing one-on-one coaching in a few months. If I do, it will be for only a few people. If you have considered contacting me for coaching, now is the time to do it. If the money is an issue, consider signing up as a participant in my pilot course. I have not set the price yet, but it will be a bargain. Here is the link to my website: www.resolvedself.com. Scroll down to the bottom where you can schedule a session; however, when you provide your information, indicate you are interested in the pilot course. I will get in touch with you and give you additional information and ask you a few questions that will help me make the course even more invaluable. Invest in yourself; you are worth it.
Thanks for reading until the end. I appreciate you, and I hope some of you will be part of my project. Look for an announcement regarding my book in the coming months. I am very close to writing the last few pages, and then it is editing time! I can’t wait until it is done! Until then, be well, be safe, and always be resolved.